Enjoy the Journey
There are times in life's journey that we simply need to unplug. Time to stop. look,...
Love Is In the Air
Love is way bigger than the ads suggest--not just for couples, and not mere romance. Love is the ly...
As the people of God, let's stop being easily offended. Rather, as Jesus suggested, ...
A Gospel Melody
Sometimes the world can seem like a mighty fine place. Paul's vision for the church was that it wou...
The Feet Finally Tell
Following Jesus is a matter of the heart, and mind, and voice. But ultimately, it's the feet that te...
The Great Invitation
The Gathering of Jesus' first disciples can be very inspirational and instructive for us! It all beg...
A Word to the Wise
The Wise Men came to visit Jesus bearing gifts--the best they had to offer. There, they met the gift...